, pub-3402941355853541, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 captured frame: August 2015

Finding Photography Online

Taking pictures is not the only way to litter our walls with photography.  There are those who are not interested in being behind the camera, but appreciate the art.  If you have wondered where you might find some wonderful prints with a professional touch, but do not want to go to the galleries you might want to take a tour of the online world. Many people who take pictures place the pictures online for all to see. This helps you gain reorganization and potential clients for photography work. 

The online world is full of photographers waiting to be discovered.  Places like, eBay, and other online galleries exist for the convenience of finding new photographs for you home.  Simply by putting the words photography, photographs, or prints will not lead you to the more professional prints online.  When searching online you will need to use specific keywords. These keywords take you to picture of a specific nature. 

If you are more interested in wildlife it is best to use those key words along with photography.  Another drawback to online searching is getting the product from a reputable source.  You want to make sure that your credit card information is safe, that the shipping will be affordable and appropriate.  How they ship the print is also important you want to make sure a shipping company will not damage it. The number one thing about shipping prints is they require some insurance to ensure your investment has protection against damage, potential lost and theft when delivered. 

There are several tips you will want to follow when shopping online.  Perhaps the most important tip is remembering you are seeing the print scanned into the online store.  This means you are not in the gallery to check the print over and analyze it to the full extent.  You will want to be a little wary if the photographs are grainy or they appear to have flaws.  It is often best to shop online at art galleries with a reputation.  These companies generally have great reputations and offer different shipping methods and insurance. 

In order to find appropriate sites you will want to understand page rank.  Google ranks the web pages in order to give you an idea of the pages with the information you want as well as letting you know the sites validity. The higher the page rank, the more traffic the website has seen. Big known websites might offer more pictures and quality picture from a reputable service or business. 

It can be very difficult to find photography galleries online that will actually sell

their prints.  It will take a little time and effort, but the results are most often worth it.  Just searching for keywords may net you photography techniques or schools rather than galleries to purchase from.  If you have a favorite artist or gallery chances are you can enter their name to find the prints you are looking for online.  If you are hoping for quality prints, but do not wish to pay for an artist’s name you may have to spend a few hours to find just the right photographs.

Online galleries are just another way technology has become convenient for all of us.  Finding photography online to purchase can be difficult if you are looking for an obscure artist or print topic.  You will need to search with specific keyword or topics to find prints.  If you are interested in Alaskan photographs of wildlife you should narrow your sure just by mentioning the state.  We all find photographs add to a homes décor.  Galleries are often the way most of us find photographs because we like to see the prints up close, however online is the new way for convenience.  So the next time you wish to change out your homes décor you might look online for ideas if not the product to satisfy you and your families needs. 


Digital Photography The New Way To Taking Photographs

Photography is an art.  It takes practice, skill, and an eye for the unexpected. Not all people will take the time to study a landscape, wildlife, building, or other subject to find the hidden depth within, but when they do often they will find great meaning in the photo they take.  Photographers spend their lives looking for new and different ways to shoot a subject.  Digital photography is just one new way of taking a picture.  There are many advantages for working with digital photography.

The darkroom is out the computer printer comes forward for most of us using digital photography.  We are able to send our pictures to all our friends with a few clicks of the buttons.  Digital photography makes taking a picture simple, by eliminating some of the guesswork.  With the LCD screen on a digital camera you can now view the photo you just took without waiting and hour or longer to see the film develop.  We are no longer limited by film capacity, but by memory cards.  Most memory cards have 32MB or 1GB depending on how much you’ve spent on equipment.

Digital photography can encompass the professional cameras with the interchanging lenses, manual setting or it can be a simple point and shoot camera.  Whether you are looking for a professional grade picture or something your friends will laugh over digital photography has made taking photos easier.  As I said before we can see the picture before we ever print, and also a lot of digital cameras will allow you to crop and save the photo before printing.  

Digital cameras can be all sizes from a key chain camera to the professional.  We have all had a little fun with digital on our phones.  If you are more interested in the professional side of photography the first digital camera you choose should have interchangeable lenses with a high resolution.  It can be automatic if you feel more comfortable with light settings, however most have ISO settings, aperture, and shutter speed choices as well.

Like with older photographer setting up your shot is half the fun.  Determining the settings you need to use for light is the other.  Setting up your shot still requires you to have an eye for the unusual or for making the unusual out of a common scene.  Walk around the subject and look for every possible angle, you may even decide to take several photos to choose the best angle.  This is where digital photography surpasses film cameras every time.  Once you have looked at all angles and taken photos you get to see if the effect you wanted is there.  It is a faster way for you to learn how to set the shutter speed and aperture on a shot and use lighting because you see the results while you still looking at the scene.

Digital photography may not seem like it would still use all those skills you learned on your old camera, but this is definitely not true.  Instead digital photography enhances your learning while you are still at the sight.  Instead of long hours in a darkroom or waiting in line you can get the picture you want right then.  It certainly gives more towards vacation photos when you can see if your thumb is over the lens or the camera strap was in the way or worse someone just walked in front of you.  Digital photography like all things has evolved to help us experience a new way in photography.


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Digital Or Print Which Is Best In The World Of Photography

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In the past, you simply did not have to make a choice between any other photography methods than film. Everyone had a film camera and everyone either learned to develop their own film or took it to their local processor. Now, you do have a choice and many people who are used to film wonder, which is better. Today we have film cameras and digital cameras. Here are the pros and cons to using both digital and print photography.

The Pros of Digital
Digital cameras are great for most people.  Perhaps the best thing about a digital camera is that you have instant access to the pictures you have taken. When you use a digital camera, you can immediately see the picture that you just took and determine whether or not you need to re-shoot that particular subject.  In addition, when you take digital pictures, you can easily download the prints to your computer. You can store your pictures, enhance them and print them on your printer. In addition, digital prints make for easy storage. You can shoot thousands of digital pictures and store them on a couple of disk. Compare that to the boxes of printed pictures that you probably have in your home.


The Cons of Digital
There are many cons of using digital as well. For example, digital pictures are easily lost. If you are like most people, you probably download the pictures to your computer and never do anything else with them. If you do not back up your digital pictures to disk, all it takes is for your computer to crash one time and you have potentially lost hundreds of valuable pictures. Many people feel that digital pictures do not have the same look and feel as film prints.  For this reason, most professional photographers still prefer to use film, instead of digital. Digital pictures can also become pricey if you print them out at home. A good quality printer paper, plus colored printer cartridges for your printer can add up quickly. . 

The Pros of Film
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As mentioned earlier, many professional photographers still prefer to use film to digital. If you take pictures for hobby, you can adjust your film camera to get the exact look that you want. This is not always the case with digital pictures. Some people prefer to use a film camera, so it forces them to have their pictures developed right away.  Rather than leaving your memories on a disk, you have to have your print pictures printed. You will always have them in your hand to look at.

The Cons of Film
It seems that film cameras are losing popularity. Film is not as convenient as digital. He must wait to have pictures developed before you can look at them down is also expensive and having pictures processed, adds extra expense. In addition, when you use film, you must have everything on your roll of film printed out. You do not have the ability to scroll through and delete bad pictures on the spot as you do when you use digital.


When considering film over digital, one is really no better than the other. The choice has more to do with your personal preferences than anything else does. If you are considering buying a new camera, look at both film and digital to determine which ones are right for your use. I have three digital cameras, a 35mm camera and a standard film camera. If I had to choose, I would choose the digital because of the option to view pictures right away. This way you know if you are capturing the image the way you intended too. I have been caught to many times with fuzzy pictures, missing heads and so on. Another thing is with a digital camera, if you need glasses, you will still be in focus, where as with a 35 mm focus camera, you might have a surprise, fuzzy pictures, and you may never find another opportunity like that again. 

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