, pub-3402941355853541, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 captured frame: Discount Tickets for Universal Studios Tours

Discount Tickets for Universal Studios Tours

When you plan a vacation, your vacation budget is 
probably in the very front of your mind. Vacations 
can be quite expensive, and it is important to cut 
costs wherever you can, without sacrificing your 
families fun. You can save quite a bit of money with 
discounted tickets for Universal Studios Tours.

There are many ways to obtain discounted tickets 
for Universal Studios Tours. Coca-Cola has 
specially marked cans that will save $10 on 
admission for a certain number of people. You can 
also save money by asking your travel agent for 
special deals. Many businesses also have coupons 
for discounted tickets. You will save additional 
money by purchasing your tickets online, and 
printing out your tickets on your home printer. 

Look for discounts for students and senior citizens, 
as well as for children under a certain age. Many 
groups are eligible for group discounts. In many 
cases, you won’t know about the Universal Studios 
Tours discounts unless you ask. If you attend 
college, ask about discount tickets in the Registrars 
office or in the Student’s Services office at your 

Military Discounts for Universal Studios Tours

Universal Studios Tours is proud of the men and 
women who serve the United States of America, 
and to reward them for the great service that they 
provide, specially priced tickets are offered. These 
tickets are available for all active duty military 
personnel, retirees, DOD personnel, members of the 
National Guard, Reserves, all other military 
personnel, and all dependants.

If you are unsure whether you qualify for these 
special military prices, you should contact your 
Commander, Universal Studios, or Commander, 
Navy Region, Southwest at 619-767-6000. 

In order to benefit from the special military prices, 
your tickets must be purchased in advance. These 
specially priced tickets are not available at the gate, 
online, or over the telephone. Instead, these tickets 
can only be purchased from MWR ITT/ITR offices 
located throughout the United States. You must 
present a military or US Government Identification 
card when purchasing these specially priced tickets.

If for any reason your local base does not have 
tickets available for purchase, they will order them 
for you. This typically takes about five days, so take 
this into consideration when planning your trip – get 
your tickets as early as possible. Don’t wait too late, 
or your tickets will not arrive in time for your 
scheduled leave, and you will have to pay the full 
price for admission into the park. No exceptions will 
be made.

The only way you can order your tickets by 
telephone, and still receive the special military 
prices is by contacting the Commander, Navy 
Region, Southwest at 619-767-6000. Your tickets 
will be mailed to you, and should arrive within 
seven business days. Overnight service may be 
available, but there will be an additional fee. Do not 
call the regular phone number for Universal Studio 
tickets or you will be charged the regular price. 
You will be charged the regular full price if you 
order your tickets online, purchase them through a 
Ticket Masters Outlet, or order them through a 
travel agent as well.

The special military rates do not apply to tickets 
that are sold through the Universal Studios 
Hollywood Box Office. Again, for more information 
on these specially prices military tickets for 
Universal Studios Tours, contact your local base 
MWR ticket office or Commander, Navy Region, 
Southwest at 619-767-6000.

Universal Studios welcomes military personnel. If 
you have served your country, make sure that you 
take advantage of these very special military prices 

– they were hard earned, and are well deserved!

Guest Services at Universal Studios Tours

There are many services that will help you enjoy 
your day at Universal Studios, and you should 
definitely take advantage of the ones that apply to 
your situation. The folks at Universal want you to 
have a positive experience, and these services are 
meant to help you do just that.

There is a ‘Will Call’ service located right outside the 
gates. Here, you can have tickets that were 
purchased online reprinted if necessary, get ticket 
reservations, or put your pet in a kennel. Also located 
outside the gate is the Group Sales Window. Here, 
you can renew your annual passes, or replace lost 
annual passes. The Annual Pass Center is also 
located here. 

The Guest Relations booth is where you will find 
visitor information concerning hotels, campsites, 
and other interesting things to do in the area. You 
can also get assistance and guides for guests with 
disabilities and audio assist units. Travel assistance, 
lost and found, and the lost children’s center are also 
located in and near the Guest Relations booth.

Strollers and Wheelchairs are available for rent in the 
upper lot. Lockers, where you can store your items 
for the day, are also available. ATM Machines are 
located at the main entrance and in the lower lot by 
the Jurassic Cove Café. You may use traveler’s 
checks and credit cards at the ticket booth and in 
the gift shops. Checks are not accepted at 
Universal Studios, and proper identification is 
required for the use of credit cards and traveler’s 

First Aid is located in the upper lot near Animal 
Planet Live. There is another first aid station inside 
the Jurassic Park Visitors Center, which is situated 
in the lower lot. There are eight designated smoking 
areas, which are indicated on the park map. 
Smoking will not be permitted in any other areas of 
the park.

You should also take advantage of the Package 
Deliver Service at Universal Studios Tours. This 
service will allow you to buy merchandise, and then 
pick it up near the exit before you leave. The package 
pickup is located near Universal Film Company.

Again, all of these services are designed to make 
your visit to Universal Studios Tours more enjoyable. 
If you have any problems at the park, including 
problems are situations that are not discussed 
here you should find a staff member and request 
assistance. They will do everything within their 
power to help you rectify your problem, and 

continue with your Universal Studios Tour.

