, pub-3402941355853541, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 captured frame: Introduction to Digital Photography

Introduction to Digital Photography

The phenomenon of digital photography began when digital
cameras became commercially available sometime in the late
1980s to the mid-1990s.

Since then, a lot of people have stacked away their film
cameras in their closets in favor of the digital camera.

But before jumping into the digital camera itself and its
finer details, it is important to know what digital
photography is.

In a nutshell, digital photography is the act of taking
pictures and saving it into a digital format. A scanned
photograph, therefore, can also be considered as a digital

Most people prefer the digital format over film because of
several reasons. First of all, seeing the results of
digital photographs is instantaneous.

After the shot is taken, the photographer can immediately
see and decide if he does or doesn't like the result of his
shot. This method is much cheaper than film because when
using film, one has to print all the photographs taken
including the duds which can't be seen until they are

Another reason why people prefer digital photographs than
traditional ones is that there are a variety of ways in
sharing a digital photograph.

One can send it through it e-mail, burn it to a disc, send
it via Bluetooth or print it just like film photographs.

However, there are purists who choose film photographs over
digital ones. According to them, there film photographs
produce more lifelike images than those taken by digital

But the more advanced digital cameras of today are slowly
but surely gaining ground and it will only be a matter of
time before they produce images that will impress even the

