, pub-3402941355853541, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 captured frame: How To Get the Most Out Of Your Universal Studios Tour Experience

How To Get the Most Out Of Your Universal Studios Tour Experience

Universal Studios is a huge place, with lots to see 
and do. If you want to experience as much as 
possible in one day, it is important to plan your day. 
By planning your day, you will be able to get more
in than you would if you went in without a viable plan.

Start the day with the Universal Studios Tour. It 
takes one hour, and you need to be there before 
the gates open. It is important to be on that very 
first tour, so you can avoid some of the long lines 
at the theme park. 

Universal Studios is divided into two lots – the upper 
lot and the lower lot. When you are ready for the 
theme park attractions, start on one lot or the other, 
and visit all of the attractions on that lot before 
moving to the other one. This will cut down a lot of 
walking time. The upper lot usually opens before 
the lower lot, so start at the top if possible.

After a day at the theme park, be sure to visit 
Universal City Walk right outside the gates of the 
park. The City Walk is three blocks of shops, 
restaurants, bars, and entertainment. This is a great 
way to end a perfect day at Universal Studios Tours.

Make the Most of Your Universal Studios Tour

If you will be visiting Universal Studios, you need to 
be prepared. Arriving at the park unprepared can 
literally ruin your vacation! Follow these tips to help 
you get the most out of your Universal Studios Tour 

It will be very hot. Make sure that you dress in 
cotton clothing that is cool. You should strongly 
consider bringing a change of clothing, so you can 
change into dry clothes after the rides that soak 
you, or if your clothes get too sweaty. If you will be 
there during the evening hours, bring warmer 
clothes to change into. Do not wear new shoes! 
There is a lot of walking involved, and you won’t 
last one hour in brand new shoes. Wear an old 
pair that are well broken in. Bring an extra pair of 
shoes to change into if yours get wet.

Make sure that you bring earplugs. There is a lot of 
noise at Universal Studios, and some of the 
attractions are deafening. Also bring sunscreen, 
sunglasses, and hats to help protect you from the 
sun. Use a backpack or a fanny pack to carry your 
belongings in – there are also lockers available 
through guest services if you need a safe dry place 
to store your things.

Make sure that you take the Universal Studio Tour 
early in the day. The park will remain open several 
hours after the tour has closed for the day. 
Designate a meeting place with everyone in your 
party, in case you get separated. Make sure that 
everyone in your party has a map, and that they 
know how to read it!

Leave small babies and toddlers with a sitter. They 
will not enjoy Universal Studios, and they will make 
sure that you don’t enjoy it either if you bring them. 
Consider purchasing VIP passes which will allow 
you to move to the front of the lines for the 
attractions. This is a huge time saver, and will keep 
you from wasting valuable time and getting bored.

Avoid eating inside the park if you can. It is very 
expensive, and the food is much cheaper right 
outside the gates in City Walk. Also save your 
shopping for the end of the day, so you don’t have 
to carry packages around with you. Universal 
Studios Tours does have a package delivery 
service, which will allow you to pick up your 
purchases at the end of the day near the exit, in 
case you find a souvenir that simply won’t wait until 
closing time.

Most importantly, see and do as much as possible, 
and have fun! Universal Studios has been entertaining 
us for years, and entertainment is what Universal 

Studios Tours is all about!

