Editing Your Digital Images
While the use of digital cameras has made it easier for
photographers to quickly check whether or not they like the
shot they've taken, there are still usually flaws that need
to be touched up or a crop that will make the image more
dramatic. Because of this, they need to use image editors
to produce their desired results.
While image editors that are built-in to the computer's OS
(take Microsoft Paint, for example) can do very basic
editing, power users such as professionals and web
designers need more powerful programs.
There are a number of good image editors out there that are
popular among photographers and web designers alike. For
one there's Adobe Photoshop.
Ever since it was released in 1990, its use has become an
industry standard in the image editing industry. Then
there's Corel PHOTO-PAINT of the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.
This program specifically targets photographers who wish to
edit their images using the computer.
Another photo editing software is GIMP which stands for GNU
Image Manipulation. The good thing about this photo editor
is that you can use it in a variety of operating systems
such as Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix.
For those who are used to the Photoshop interface, there's
the GIMPshop developed by Scott Moschella.
Google has also developed Picasa which is a basic photo
editing and organizing software which can be useful to
photographers who only need to crop, fix red eye, and
adjust the hues on their photos.
photographers to quickly check whether or not they like the
shot they've taken, there are still usually flaws that need
to be touched up or a crop that will make the image more
dramatic. Because of this, they need to use image editors
to produce their desired results.
While image editors that are built-in to the computer's OS
(take Microsoft Paint, for example) can do very basic
editing, power users such as professionals and web
designers need more powerful programs.
There are a number of good image editors out there that are
popular among photographers and web designers alike. For
one there's Adobe Photoshop.
Ever since it was released in 1990, its use has become an
industry standard in the image editing industry. Then
there's Corel PHOTO-PAINT of the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.
This program specifically targets photographers who wish to
edit their images using the computer.
Another photo editing software is GIMP which stands for GNU
Image Manipulation. The good thing about this photo editor
is that you can use it in a variety of operating systems
such as Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix.
For those who are used to the Photoshop interface, there's
the GIMPshop developed by Scott Moschella.
Google has also developed Picasa which is a basic photo
editing and organizing software which can be useful to
photographers who only need to crop, fix red eye, and
adjust the hues on their photos.